Welcome to MovetoBG.com

So you may be thinking of joining the thousands of foreigners already living in Bulgaria. Maybe you're planning to combine a holiday with a look around the country and a bit of information gathering. Perhaps you have been here before and now you are looking to build on your experience. Whatever your reason for finding your way to our website, let's assume that you are somewhere along the path towards making your decision about moving to Bulgaria

Even if you are taking just your first tentative steps, this is undoubtedly an exciting, if somewhat scary, prospect. However, it is easy to underestimate the many practical, personal and emotional challenges involved in exchanging friends, family and surroundings for a new culture and way of life. Giving yourself the best possible chance that your new lifestyle abroad will match up to your expectations requires a lot of research, fact-finding and planning ... and helping you to turn your plans into reality is what MovetoBG.com is all about.

Your new life in Bulgaria will involve establishing new friendships, business and leisure opportunities, adjusting to unfamiliar surroundings, embracing a foreign culture and, often, meeting the diverse needs of partners or children. In addition, there is a raft of key issues such as: finance, legal matters, employment, schooling, health care, transport, social contacts and language to consider. Our experiences, together with those of the many people who have already relocated here, underline the importance of investing as much time in planning these key lifestyle issues as in choosing your location and property.

Ultimately, of course, we cannot make your decisions about moving to Bulgaria. But what we can do is ensure that you have all the information, advice and assistance that you need in planning your new life here.

Using this blog ...
At the foot of each page there are links to Older Posts, Home & Newer Posts. Clicking on these link will take you, page by page, through our growing library of previous posts. If you have specific enquiries or references, you can use the standard Search function in the sidebar - enjoy ...

For advice, assistance and information about Moving to Bulgaria, we recommend that you visit our website at MovetoBG.com - and for accommodation options, resources and services, we suggest Bulgaria Gateway